History of the Perlak Kingdom | Paradigma Bintang

History of the Perlak Kingdom

The prevailing narrative states that the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago was the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai. The national education curriculum also states so. This paper will try to reveal the fact that this thesis is wrong. The first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago was the Kingdom of Perlak. This paper aims to straighten out the historical distortions that have occurred for so long with the hope that the Indonesian people, especially K12 (elementary and high school) students, will get new enlightenment that they should know.

Perlak Kingdom based on several sources of literature that the author has traced is a kingdom that really exists. In the timeline, Perlak Kingdom was established in 840 AD. This kingdom existed before the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai was established in 1267. The name Perlak itself comes from perlak wood which is usually used as material for making boats. Perlak in the historical record is remembered as a busy port. Long before Islam entered and developed in the archipelago, Perlak even became a transit point and trade center for merchants from Arabia, Persia, China, India. This was due to Perlak's strategic position at that time. Before becoming an Islamic kingdom, Perlak was first led by Maharaja Syahir Nuwi.

History of the Perlak Kingdom
Source: Okezone.com

The history of Perlak Kingdom began when in 800 AD, Sayid Maulana Ali Al-Muktabar who was none other than a descendant of Ali ibn Abi Talib with his entourage of Nahkoda Khalifah came to Perlak to trade and preach. The people and the ruler of Perlak Syahir Nuwi at that time welcomed their arrival. Sayid Maulana Ali Al-Muktabar's mission was successful, many Perlak people embraced Islam and were influenced by Islamic teachings. As a form of respect, the then Emperor of Perlak Syahir Nuwi then married Ali Al-Muktabar to his younger sister Puteri Makhdum Tansyuri. Their marriage was later blessed with a son who was later named Alaiddin Sayid Maulana Abdul Aziz Syah. When he grew up, Alaiddin Sayid Maulana Abdul Aziz Syah became the first king of the Perlak Kingdom.

Along with the rapid development of Islam in Perlak, Maharaja Perlak then declared the establishment of Perlak Kingdom as an Islamic kingdom on 1 Muharram 225 Hijri which coincided with the year 840 AD with its first king was Sultan Alaiddin Maulana Abdul 'Aziz Syah. The Kingdom of Perlak proclaimed at that time was the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago even in Southeast Asia. Bandar Khalifah later became the capital of the Perlak Kingdom. The name Bandar Khalifah was taken as a tribute to the Caliph Sayid Maulana Ali Al-Muktabar who had played an important role in the spread of Islam in Perlak. The location of the Perlak Kingdom itself is currently located in Perlak District, East Aceh Regency.

After its official establishment as an Islamic kingdom until its collapse, the Perlak Kingdom was once led by 18 kings with the title of sultan. The 18 kings or sultans who had led the Perlak Kingdom were then grouped into two dynasties, namely the Sayid Maulana Abdul Aziz Dynasty and the Johan Berdaulat Dynasty. The Sayid Maulana Abdul Aziz dynasty itself consisted of:

Sultan Alaiddin Sayid Maulana Abdul Azis Syah (840-864 AD), Sultan Alaiddin Sayid Maulana Abdul Rahim Syah (864-888 AD), Sultan Alaiddin Sayid Maulana Abbas Syah (888-913 AD), Sultan Alaiddin Sayid Maulana Ali Mughayat Syah (915-918 AD).

The Sovereign Johan Dynasty consisted of:

Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Abdul Kadir Johan Sovereign (928-932 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amin Johan Sovereign (932-956 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Abdul Malik Johan Sovereign (956-983 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Johan Sovereign (986-1023 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Mahmud Johan Sovereign (1023-1059 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Mansur Johan Sovereign (1059-1078 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Abdullah Johan Sovereign (1078-1109 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Ahmad Johan Sovereign (1109-1135 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Mahmud Johan Sovereign (1135-1160 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Usman Johan Sovereign (1160-1173 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Muhammad Johan Sovereign (1173-1200 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Abdul Jalil Johan Sovereign (1200-1230 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amin II Johan Sovereign (1230-1267 AD), Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Abdul Aziz Johan Sovereign (1267-1292 AD).

The Kingdom of Perlak reached its glory during the reign of Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amin II Johan Berdaulat. Under his leadership, the Kingdom of Perlak experienced significant progress, especially in the Islamic education sector and the expansion of proselytization. As a kingdom, Perlak had superior commodities such as pepper and rattan. Perlak was also a producer of gold and beautiful carvings of elephant ivory and wood. All of these had a significant impact on Perlak's progress.

Like a life that continues to rotate, the Kingdom of Perlak in its time experienced a decline caused by internal conflict within the Kingdom of Perlak. The conflict was triggered by the difference in Suni versus Shia ideology that split the Perlak Kingdom into two camps. This conflict began to occur during the leadership of the third sultan of Perlak Kingdom. At that time, the suni group tried to rebel which failed. It was during the fourth sultan of Perlak, that the suni group succeeded in rebelling. They succeeded in overthrowing the shia government and then established a suni government by appointing local nobles to become sultans, namely Meurah Abdul Kadir who was titled Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Abdul Kadir Johan Sovereign. Apparently the Shia group did not give up, they tried to regain power. At its peak, in 976, the turmoil that occurred in the Kingdom of Perlak could be ended by dividing the Kingdom of Perlak into two: Perlak Coastal for the Shiites and Perlak Inland for the Sunnis.

The existence of differences in understanding and dualism of the Perlak Kingdom's government inevitably often led to riots and civil wars among the Perlak people. Divisions and disputes among the people of Perlak began to subside when there was an attack from the Kingdom of Sriwijaya in 986. The people of Perlak began to unite while remaining under the command of their respective sultans. The war with the Srivijaya Empire ended in 1006 which killed the sultan of Perlak Pesisir so that the Perlak Kingdom was then led by Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Johan Sovereign of the suni group. In its development, the suni group led the Perlak Kingdom for a long time until the kingdom collapsed and joined the Samudra Pasai Kingdom in 1292. This is the historical narrative of Perlak Kingdom as the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago.

The official version of this article can be found in the Metahistory ebook: Uncovering Rare History

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