In recent times, the political condition of democracy in Indonesia has been in serious turmoil. Civil society such as students, scholars, academics, activists, artists, and those who feel uneasy about the chaos of Indonesia's democracy have poured out in demonstrations of people's resistance to the DPR RI Building, KPU RI, and around the state palace. They voiced their concerns about the DPR RI's arbitrary move to annul the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 concerning the minimum requirements that must be met by political parties in carrying candidates in the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) which will be held simultaneously on November 27, 2024 and Decision Number 70/PUU-XXII/2024 concerning the age limit for candidates to register for the 2024 Regional Head Elections.
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Source: Antara Foto/Muhammad Adimaja |
Through its decision, the Constitutional Court set the requirements for political parties and coalitions of political parties to be able to carry candidates in the 2024 Regional Elections based on the acquisition of the number of valid votes in the regional legislative elections, which is a minimum limit of 6.5%-10% of the valid vote acquisition from previously required to have 20% of the legislative seats. Through this decision, the Constitutional Court allows political parties or coalitions of parties that do not have legislative seats in the DPRD to carry candidates to participate in the Pilkada contestation as long as they fulfill the provisions of the legislative election vote in the region of 6.5%-10%. The Constitutional Court also stipulates that the age limit for regent/mayor candidates is 25 years old when they are appointed as candidates by the KPU and the Constitutional Court sets the age limit for governor candidates at 30 years old when they are appointed as candidates by the KPU.
Previously, the Supreme Court
(MA) set the age limit for regent/mayor candidates at 25 years old when
inaugurated and the age limit for governor candidates at 30 years old when
inaugurated. As a result of the Constitutional Court's decision, parties in the
parliament, which is now comprised mostly of government-supporting parties
called Onward Indonesia Coalition, feel aggrieved because some of their
political agendas are in danger of being cancelled. For example, KIM cannot
nominate Kaesang Pangarep, President Jokowi's youngest son who is predicted to
run as a candidate for deputy governor in the 2024 Central Java Regional
Election because Kaesang is not yet 30 years old at the time of registration
and determination of candidates.
Realizing that their political
interests were being disrupted, just a day after the Constitutional Court's
decision was officially read on August 20, 2024, on Wednesday, August 21, 2024,
members of the Legislative Body (Baleg) and members of Commission II of the
House of Representatives together with the government accelerated the revision
of the Regional Head Election Law to
overturn the Constitutional Court's decision and on August 22, 2024, they will
ratify the revision in a plenary meeting of the House of Representatives.
Unfortunately, the people did not remain silent. The night before the revision
of the Regional Head Election Law was passed, the people echoed digital
warnings on social media channels about the urgency and emergency conditions in
Indonesia if the revision of the Regional Head Election Law was passed by the
House of Representatives.
Through the internet, netizens
posted a Garuda Biru emergency alert. This warning became a buzz on social
media timelines, which then led to the outbreak of popular demonstrations
against the ratification of the Regional Head Election Law by the House of
Representatives, which aims to scuttle the Constitutional Court's decision. For
a whole day, the people have been protesting against the arbitrariness of
members of the House of Representatives who do not want to comply with the Constitutional
Court's ruling by revising the Regional Head Election Law in record time just
to fulfil their political ambitions. They forgot that constitutionally, the
Constitutional Court's decision is final and binding and hierarchically, above
the Supreme Court's decision so that anyone affected by the Constitutional
Court's decision must obey and accept.
In comparison, previously, the
House of Representatives, whose members are government supporters, immediately
submitted without protest when the Constitutional Court made a decision that a
person could run as a presidential/vice presidential candidate even though they
were not yet 40 years old as long as they had experience as a regional head or
public official elected through elections. The members of the House of
Representatives immediately obeyed the Constitutional Court's decision because
it was deemed to be in line with their interests. At that time, the one who
benefited from the issuance of the Constitutional Court's decision was Gibran
Rakabuming Raka, the former Mayor of Solo who later became Prabowo's running
mate despite being 36 years old.
However, when the Constitutional Court's decision did not favour their
political agenda, the ruling proxies made a strategy to outsmart the
Constitutional Court and defy it.
As a result, the voice of the
people is indeed the voice of God and the sovereignty of the people is above
all else. When the law was about to be passed, it turned out that the members
of the House of Representatives who were present did not reach the quorum, or
did not reach the minimum limit of meeting attendance to pass a new law, a
political product of the House of Representatives. At the same time, a wave of
people's voices continued to echo against the members of the House of
Representatives who were eager to revise the Regional Head Election Law for
their political ambitions and interests. The demonstrators have been
aggressively conducting resistance demonstrations and have even managed to
break through the house of representative fence. They have also urged the house
of representative leadership, who are actively involved in the revision of the Regional
Head Election Law, not to continue the revision of the law.
In the end, in a very chaotic and
anarchic condition where many participants involved in the demonstration were
arrested by security forces, public facilities were threatened with damage, and
several demonstrators were killed, the leadership of the House of
Representatives declared that the revision of the Regional Head Election Law
would not be passed so that the applicable norm for the 2024 simultaneous
elections was the Constitutional Court's decision. This is the fruit of the
people's voice of resistance, anyone who intends to become an arbitrary ruler,
only wants to care about his family and group then be prepared to face waves of
protests and rejection from the people. It is the people who have true
sovereignty, not tyrants and dictatorial rulers who are drunk with power
because they are clueless. Vox populi, vox dei. Save Indonesian democracy!
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