Among Biden, Trump, Kamala Harris, and the 2024 US Presidential Election | Paradigma Bintang

Among Biden, Trump, Kamala Harris, and the 2024 US Presidential Election

After going through the first debate of the 2024 United States presidential candidate against former President Donald Trump on June 27, 2024 with several minus notes, incumbent President Joe Biden, who is being treated for Covid-19, decided to withdraw from the 2024 US presidential election battle on July 21, 2024. Biden's decision to withdraw as a US presidential candidate has suddenly shocked the American political scene. This is because Biden is the first incumbent US president to withdraw from running for a second term since President Lyndon Johnson, who also withdrew from candidacy in March 1968.

Between Biden, Trump, Kamala Harris, and the 2024 US Presidential Election
Source: vidio/kompas tv

Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 US presidential election race came just eight days after the shooting that almost killed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during his political campaign in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024. Biden's withdrawal can be understood as a rational step that Biden has taken considering that his condition is no longer in his prime (81 years old) and it is very worrying if he continues to be forced to fight against Donald Trump, who tends to be aggressive in every political campaign.

The experience in the first debate against Donald Trump some time ago showed how in appearance, Joe Bidan was indeed below Trump. Biden seemed to stammer, he was also unable to counter Trump's attacks and even he himself admitted that his performance in debating with Trump was chaotic. This reality inevitably arouses public criticism and worries the Democratic Party, Biden's supporting party that if he is forced to continue running, Biden's chances of defeating Trump in the 2024 US presidential election are relatively small.

Ironically, some time after his debate performance was highlighted by the public, Biden was apparently still confident that he would continue to run for the Democratic Party presidential candidate against Trump - he even claimed that only God could stop him from nominating and contesting the 2024 US presidential election. And sure enough, the right momentum then came, on July 17, 2024 Biden was positive for Covid-19 so he had to cancel the political campaign and had to carry out self-isolation. Four days after undergoing the treatment period, through his official X Twitter account, Biden declared his resignation and encouraged Kamala Harris, his Vice President to replace his position as presidential candidate.

Now Biden is no longer the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party after his resignation. The question is, who deserves to be promoted by the Democratic Party as a presidential candidate to replace Biden? Is it Kamala Harris or is there another figure who deserves to be promoted by the Democratic Party? The answer is worth looking forward to. Armed with Joe Biden's support and recommendations, Kamala Harris, who is currently the first female Vice President, is optimistic that she will be nominated by the Democratic Party and can defeat Trump in the US Presidential Election on November 5, 2024. However, within the Democratic Party, the party's central figures such as Barack Obama and Nency Pelocy have not even been reluctant to support Kamala Harris. Obama, for example, openly stated that he wanted Biden's replacement presidential candidate to be recruited openly. This can be seen in Obama's written statement as quoted by the mainstream media The York Times as follows.

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the next few days. But I have tremendous confidence that our party leaders will be able to create a process from which an outstanding candidate will emerge.”

In its development, Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama then gave a surprise by calling Kamala Harris to inform her that The Obama supported Kamala Harris' candidacy to replace Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election. In this way, Kamala Harris' chances of running as a presidential candidate for the Democratic Party are getting bigger.

And although the Democratic Party has not yet officially endorsed and will determine the definitive presidential candidate to replace Biden through the Democratic Party convention which will be held on August 19-22, 2024, Kamala Harris has begun campaigning and trying to convince the public that she is worthy and able to replace Biden to become the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party. So far, the only Democratic Party figures who have publicly supported Kamala Harris are former President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton.

The next few days will be thrilling days for Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party and the 2024 US presidential election. Will the atmosphere of the 2016 presidential election where at that time the Democratic Party for the first time endorsed Hillary Clinton - the first female cadre as their presidential candidate - against Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump which Trump later won by a very large electoral difference (306 for Trump vs 232 for Hillary) - be repeated in the 2024 US presidential election - when in the end the Democratic Party decided to endorse Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate? 

For information, responding to Joe Biden's resignation and Biden's recommendation to support Kamala Harris as his successor, Donald Trump some time ago boasted that if he had to fight Kamala Harris in the November 5, 2024 presidential election, then he felt that Kamala Harris was a figure that was easier for him to defeat than Biden himself. Whatever it is, the political dynamics of the United States towards the day of the presidential election are still very fluid. Any possibility can still happen, the Democratic Party has also not confirmed who they will support. Each camp such as Donald Trump, Kamala Harris has the same time, and opportunity to do political work, convincing the people of the United States that he/she deserves to lead the United States to replace Joe Biden, who will certainly retire on January 20, 2025. The rest let time tell.

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